Monday, November 21, 2022

Microsoft access 2016 report hide duplicates free download.ListBox.HideDuplicates property (Access)

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Microsoft access 2016 report hide duplicates free download. 機能比較:LibreOffice - Microsoft Office 


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The report below could make good use of hiding duplicates. As is, the report displays the order value for each item in the order. Since several items comprise some orders, the report would be easier to read if the report printed each order value just once for each order.

I've based this example on the Order Details Extended query in Northwind, the sample database that comes with Access. Displaying the order value only once per order makes good sense.

The reader doesn't have to second guess—with a glance, the reader can see where the order begins and ends. That's because the order value is the one value in the one-to-many relationship between the orders and the products that comprise each order.

That won't always be the result; when you hide duplicates on the many side, you can get unexpected results. For instance, look what happens when you hide duplicates for the product name. Logically, you probably wouldn't hide the product names because they wouldn't repeat within a given order, but for the sake of the example, please play along because they represent the many side of a one-to-many relationship.

If you hide duplicates in the product name field, the report doesn't display the product name for the first item in order That would be a problem for most of us. If you check the underlying query, you'll find that the product is Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce—the same as the last item in the preceding order. The Hide Duplicates property doesn't know the difference between order and You might be asking yourself just how helpful this property is if it can't discern between groups.

The truth is, it can and you don't need a complex formula or macro. To hide duplicates for a many value within groups, group the report, as follows:. Opening the group header or footer has the added benefit of adding a bit of white space between groups, which is another attribute that makes a report a bit more readable. If you decide you don't want the extra white space, set the group header's Height to something small, such as.

Don't close it completely, as that would negate the fix. This problem is all but eliminated in Access and If it is visible, then the control shows the OrderDate. If it is not visible, it shows Null. Leave the HideDuplicates property turned off. We must change the name as well, because Access gets confused if a control has the same name as a field, but is bound to something else.

Note that the IsVisible property is not the same as the Visible property in the Properties box. IsVisible is not available at design time. Access sets it for you when the report runs, for exactly the purpose explained in this article. If you are trying to create the sample report above in the Northwind sample database, here is the query it is based on:.

In summary, use HideDuplicates where you do want duplicates hidden, but for other controls that should hide at the same time, test the IsVisible property in their ControlSource.


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